Friday, October 24, 2008


11:26 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thank you all of my loves for the wishes! oh my god, I'm 18!!!!
I always imagined my 18th to be pretty wild and big. But I guess plans change when you have the freaking exams exactly 2 weeks after. haha. Had a really nice small celebration in school and a yummy home cooked meal at home with the family.Thanks again for the wishes. I feel so loved, a bit less lonely and not forgotten.hahaha. There were people who wished me that I would have never expected from.
Thanks Sarah Kerr for organising the small celebration you. And Alyssa D. for spending 3 hours on the phone with me in the wee wee hours of the night.haha. I swear I didn't know we were talking on the phone for that long, totally lost track of time. I miss you ): And thank you everyone else again!Vic, Yvelyn, Mars, Winsome....GAH!there's too many people! I miss all of you so very very much. Love all of you heaps.

10:31 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Eight hours of work today has made my feet so damn sore.
but it was a real interesting day.
This Year 11 girl I know from Corpus came through the drive thru and so I was like,' Hey Nicole!'. Didn't notice who was sitting behind her only until I gave her her order. And guess who it was!????! SHAUNNA!de souza?de cruz?Can't remember her surname. But I'm sure everyone knows who I'm talking about. So anyway she looks up,winds down the window and screams,' When did you move here?!Hurry up, give me your number!'. haha, gave it to her and she's like we have to catch up soon. How cool aye. Seeing a familiar face from home was such a breath of fresh air.
Oh we got our Leavers' magazine yesterday. It had the winner of all the 2008 awards. Out of all the Aussie guys in the year, the person who takes the Hottest Boy award is a fellow Singaporean, Marcus Annamalay. I knew he would win, he is soo fine.hahahhaa. I'm kidding. Steven won Most Romantic! haha. Which is very true. Yesterday, he left his books in class, so I got it for him and he's like ,' I officially love you now, actually I have always loved you'. Nawwwwww.hahaha.
it was 8 weeks yesterday!So it makes it 7 weeks and 6 days today.hahha.
5 more days of school. Graduation dinner is this Sunday and I haven't got a dress yet!yikes!
10:03 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
You know those ice cream cones you get from mac's?I finished one today:D I feel so accomplished. I have never in my life finished one before.hahaha.yeahhhh.thought everyone should know.
OMG, I was so offended today!So we've got a free period for sport right,trying to find a room to do private study. I'm minding my own business,walking with Neesha and Steph,and then from behind me i hear Steven saying,' I'd rather sleep with Pam than pick out chewed gum from under the tables.' I turn around, smack him soooo hard and scream,' Excuse me, Steven?' And he's all like it's a compliment. And after a while he's like oh yeah,what i meant to say was,it would be my wildest dreams to sleep with Pam. He's so full of it. hahaha. I'm gonna miss him. He'd like randomly come up to me and pat my head or poke me. He's going to study nursing next year in whoop whoop and I'll probably never ever see him again):
Their relationship was a hope for mine.But now it's over, I'm thinking,' What am I doing?'. I'm scared and confused.
10:44 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The tenth of October was really not my day.
Firstly,my driving test was frigging canceled.
Got a call in the morning saying that the person who was suppose to test me wasn't well and they couldn't find a replacement. and I had to rebook a test for myself. Boy, was I pissed. The earliest date I could get was November 6th. I guess that's not too far away. But like I calculated that if I had the test yesterday, I could have clocked in at least 10 hours within the next 3 weeks. To vent my anger, I went for a jog. It was a really good one, got over it a bit.
The second thing was I almost had to do a party for work. And I hate kids! Okay, fine. 'Hate' is too strong a word. I'm not very fond of them. I was partly annoyed because of that and because I was already filling in a shift,so I thought that it would have been nice of my boss to mention to be that little information. Then, I got to work and found out it was a mistake. I was like, ' Thank God!'.
The final thing was 90210 was suppose to be showing last night but they didn't! Stupid channel 10. They had already pushed it to Friday,because Supernatural took it's slot on Monday. Now,I don't even know when they're showing it. I was looking forward to it. And yes, I would watch it online if there was sound coming out from my computer. And yes, there's 2 other labtops in the house but Andrew and Paulina are all like surfthechannel has viruses and shit. So yeah, I'm not allowed to use it.
God, I'm such a whinge. I'm sorry. hahaha. Have a good one people!
oh!on a brighter note. It was exactly 9 weeks till I go back yesterday!yay yay yay.
1:51 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Just 1 day and 19 hours more. WOW.
I have waited so long for the 12th to come. It is finally here. Well really soon.
I just can't believe. I feel like I have to prepare myself for something. But then again, I don't know what to expect.
I don't think I'll be able to sleep tomorrow night. My heart is beating so fast just thinking about Friday. From departing Perth's airport to sitting on the plane to landing in Singapore's airport and the humidity hitting me the minute I step out of it. And the best part of it,pouncing and hugging the life out of all the ones I love.
It's weird. Kinda. I can clearly remember the events of Feb 9th/10th. Saying my goodbyes to everyone and crying my eyes out on the plane wondering how I would survive not seeing everyone for like 10 months. And I did. Surprisingly.
10:45 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
practical driving test tomorrow!
i'm so scared i'd screw it up or something. i must pass it!
10:54 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Monday, October 6, 2008
hello world, it is the morning of my first mock exam paper.
anyway,yesterday my dad was talking about going back for good. I think it was because of something my mum said. And my head went straight up and I was like,'Yes!can we please go back forever!' Then mum was like,' So you don't wanna go Curtin anymore?' and dad was like,' What?you wanna go back to do poly?' I know I just have 3 more years to get through but its still so long. I don't know why dad didn't foresee earlier how miserable all of us are. My mum's sick and tired of not having him around everyday. And I thought I was the only one counting down till when I got back but even my siblings are. Like both their msn nicks had 68 included in it. I mean yeah all of us have friends here but its really not the same. We are all dying to get out of here as soon as possible! And I don't know,it got me thinking that if we stayed back in Singapore ,the money that we've been spending on the flights back could have been used for some other things.haha.opportunity cost.
And it also got me thinking about the options I had. Poly was definitely out because I'd have wasted these 2 years. And I was so not going to do another 3. Anyway I heard of people transferring Uni's. So I was thinking maybe I do like a year in Curtin and then get a transfer or something to one of the Uni's in Singapore. I don't know how that works though. Another option I have is not go to Curtin and go to UWA instead. Because there they have some exchange programme and NUS is one of schools they do it with. But then again I don't know how that works,whether it's difficult to get into the programme or the criteria you know. Yes, it may sound silly that I could be exchange student anywhere else in the world, I wanna go back to Singapore. But I didn't see the point when I was going to be there alone and I'd be even more homesick. No family and friends at all with me.
I really had my heart set on Curtin though.
urghh.I don't know.
And I also realised that Leslie and Chantal both went to Melbourne(somewhere that has so much more life than Perth and somewhere I'd so rather be than Perth) and like after 2 years they went back to Singapore. Now having the time of their life.
Someone please take me away.
8:27 AM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I am currently addicted to Trella's song, 'The Gavel and The Block'.
I'm not being bias. It's just so awesome, I keep playing it over and over again in my ipod.
So very proud of them.haha.
God, I procrastinate a lot. I remember myself telling friends that this whole week of the holidays I would lock myself indoors and study my ass off. Well, I did fulfill the locking myself in. Been home alone this whole week,only seeing my family in the morning just before they leave the house and when they come back in the evening in which they head out soon after for dinner.
Studying my ass off wise, that hasn't been going too well. I'm just finding it so hard to put my mind to it. And no it's not because of a certain distraction.haha. I just can't be bothered. Yes, very bad. So yeah, haven't been using my time well,not totally regretting it though. haha,yes, very bad.
But but, it's the school's fault. Why oh why did they have to schedule the exams during the holidays?It's called the holidays for a reason. Didn't they think we needed a break from 10 weeks of school? The next holidays I get, without having this voice in my head reminding me that exams are really close, would be in 7 weeks. That's not too far away come to think of it. But it just means that I have to get through the exams first.rahh, I can't wait for it to be over. It would be such a relief.
'I'd give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you'll feel me somehow.'
7:16 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
you've asked me to update my blog and i shall.
i'll give you something interesting.
Body Modifications.
Does someone really need to go to extremes to try to be different from everyone?
There has to be a limit, don't you think? I reckon a piercing on the eyebrow,nose,lip,tongue and ears is quite enough already. Anything more would just be scary and bizarre.
Why do you want to cover the beautiful face God gave you with metal that's just gonna cause you pain and possible problems in the future?
Some people are born with deformities and they can't help it.I'm pretty sure they'd give up anything to be normal. And there we have perfectly normal and healthy people, wanting to spilt their tongues and what not. And branding? I think I'd encourage getting a tattoo over that. I mean why do people want to feel so much like animals?
Yeah, I guess it's a personal thing. But is it really worth it? Okay, so it might be free, but still?
It has freaked me out. But it's up to you, it's your body. I'd still love you anyways.
1:36 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I think I've got some explaining to do to my dear girls.
love you babes!hahahha.
12:18 PM
Breaking the Habit!