Monday, September 22, 2008
this post is like 3 weeks overdue. kinda lazy eh.
so i'm sitting at the computer minding my own business,making the twilight countdown clock(hahahaha), it was 87 days then till i got to 'see my sexy mates'. who would have thought that it was going to be much much sooner than that. in my pj's talking to Adrian on msn and then these 2 people i really wasn't expecting to see, come through the door behind me screaming,' PAMELA TAN PANG HWA!'. it takes me like 5 seconds to realize who they were.I start screaming at the top of my lungs and another 5 seconds to tell myself that it was all real, that my eyes weren't deceiving me, that Victoria and Yvelyn were standing in front of me.I was so god damn happy that I was on verge of bawling my eyes out, I had to try to catch my breath too.
To Vic and Yve, this has got to be the best surprise ever. I'm sorry you guys came at a pretty bad time, what with the tragedy and I had school. I really hope both of you enjoyed your time spent here. I know I did, thanks so much for bringing some of Singapore here to me. I felt so much more at home. On the first morning you guys were here, I got up thinking,' Is Vic and Yve seriously in the room next to me?' Still had not sink in. And like both of you were living with us!I could just talk to yous whenever I needed or wanted. or more importantly hug you whenever. that's what I'm really deprived of.ha. I'm sorry for worrying you the day before you left. combination of emotions? just lost it. and i'm pretty bad at hiding it so I'd rather not ruin everyone's night. though I wish I tried and spent that time with you.
I love you so much and thanks for everything. Missing you heaps already.

It has also taken me 3 weeks to get over the shock from the accident. Every time I spoke to people about it during that period I found it so hard to give any thought to it. Like they'd say something like,' Life is so fragile' and I'd be like,' yeahh'. It was only on Saturday that I did some thinking. The ones we love aren't going to be with us here on earth forever. Anything can happen within a day. That thought was just so scary. I believe in God and I believe that when people pass away,they leave for a better place. But I can't imagine it.
anyway, I've decided to come back 2 weeks later with my family on dec 12th.
Reason number 1: Money. The friggin' aussie dollar has bloody depreciated. That just means I wouldn't get as much Sing dollars as I had planned. And the sooner I go, the more I'd spend earlier. And I calculated that within that extra 2 weeks, I could earn up to at least 1000 bucks. then there's the shopping for christmas presents and I still owe Dad money for the world youth day trip.
Reason number 2: The earliest date the orthodontist could fit me in to put my braces on is nov 26th. it was that or after the trip. I was definitely not going to wait another 3 months to have it on. So yeah, staying that extra 2 weeks would help me adjust and if i had any problems I'd still be able to see him if I needed to.
Reason number 3: It gives me some time to spend with the friends here. And it's summer!going to the beach is a must.
Reason number 4: It gives me more time to complete my hours, so I won't have to rush too much to get my license.
It's closer to the poly holidays too.
The only bummer about it is that I have 2 weeks less to spend at Singapore. But hey I've come so far, I think I could do it for another 2 weeks.
So yeah, it kinda makes sense to come back later hey?
9:23 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
hey hey to the blog of pam (:yes. its an intruder all right! one which will never be able to intrude again because..well..i have no idea what's her password. haha. miss tan here just absent-mindedly left this page here. hee hee.and like her msn conversations..IM HERE!!! muahahaha.oh god. she's going to kill we totally didnt do anything today. except and slack around. feel like a bear. or like what yvelyn says.."hamster" (:lalala. have no idea what to do tomorrow. what shall we do yve?.. .. ..she does not respond. haha. ok. suggestion given..visit the fellow tey we'll let you know how it goes.oops!! i hear the door. muahha. she's back.AND GARY!! YOU ARE SOOO SCREWED! yve and i are never looking at our names the same way ever again! haha. asswipe (:xoxofiesty rabbit & nice cat
9:05 PM
Breaking the Habit!