Sunday, August 31, 2008

This was Rosy and Adam at our school ball. And it was on the front of todays paper.
It said 'One lived.One died- sweethearts in P-plate triple fatality.'
And it in a big font it had tragic twist and then on the side it has,'the family of crash survivor Adam Johnson was last night waiting to break the news of the death of his girlfriend Rosy White and two school mates'
Oh my god and the saddest thing ever is that on Adam's myspace he has th sweetest thing written on it ever.
"There is one smart, funny, beautiful girl put on this planet who I love more than anything, she is so perfect.
I love you Rosy xoxo"
"Rosy - I LOVE YOU more than anything, I love you now and forever. The second we part is the second I start missing you and I cant wait until you are in my arms again, I Love You xoxxox"
And on Rosy's it says,' The most amazing guy in the world
Thinks I'm perfect.
The most incredible guy in the world
Thinks I'm beautiful.
The most passionate guy in the world
Loves me.
My superman, my fairytale, my knight in shining armor, my prince, my boyfriend, my love.
I love you Adam.'
they were meant for each other. it's so depressing.
4:56 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
It was all over the news in the evening, watching it was even harder than i thought. Our school principal, Mr Sadler was interviewed. And their were footages of my friends either at the school or the crash site paying their respects with flowers and notes.
James' sister is in Andrew's year and her msn nick was,' James you were the best brother ever. I miss you so much. I would give anything if I could just spend another minute with you.' I just cried. How sad is that.
And when some of my friends and I asked Mr Scanlon, the head of Year 12. Whether anything like this has happened. And he's like not as tragic as this where we've lost 3 students.
graduation was just 8 weeks away.
9:27 PM
Breaking the Habit!
This was the picture on the front of today's newspapers. The headline was' Three teenagers dead, two critically injured'.
When my instructor told my mum and I about it, we just thought what a waste of lives. And why do all these kids drive so recklessly?Maybe in the back of my mind i was thinking,'What if it was someone i knew?' I mean it was in a suburb pretty close from school and they were all 17.
After my driving lesson I got home and saw a text I got from sarah kerr. It said,' Did you hear?' The first thing that came to my mind was the accident. I was thinking to myself,'No,no,no. Please be something else. But if it was the accident,who was involved?'
I gave her call and she asked again,'Did you hear?'
'About the accident? where 3 died and 2 are in hospital?'
'Yes. It's James, Rosie, Brayden. Adam's in hospital.The other wasn't from school.'
I started shaking. I didn't know what to think or say. I just couldn't believe it.
I had classes with James and Rosie last year. I remember once when Brayden put his arm around me and said,' Hey babe,whats up?' Rosie was such a smart girl she got like A's in all her subjects. Brayden had one of the lead roles in this year's musical ' Fiddler on the Roof'. It's such a waste. They were such talented people and they had such bright futures ahead of them.
I went for the service in school a while ago. When Neesha and I got there, people were sobbing. My heart goes out to their whole group because they were such a tight clique. And I remember how Ashleigh Yates was talking about her birthday in 2 weeks. That Brayden has to be there but now he's gone. And when I hugged her,she was crying and was like,' It's not fair'. I didn't know what to say aye.
I'm still in disbelief. You just don't expect it to be people you know. My gosh and there were reporters and photographers at our school too. But our head of year said they can't publish the photos anyway.
Oh my god and poor Adam. He's lost 2 of his bestfriends and his girlfriend.He hasn't found out yet and he's like so out of it. I can't imagine how he's going to take the news. He and Rosie have been going out for like a year and they never seemed to have any problems.
All we can do is pray for their souls and families.
Rest in peace Rosie, James and Brayden.
12:19 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
100 days to getting drunk with my sexy mates.
75 days left of sanity.( Well, less than that cause I am or more like, have started studying but you get the idea)
34 more days of high school.
i have another geography excursion next monday. going to the city. might be able to do a little shopping.haha.
oh!i'm getting my mould and all of that done at the orthodontists on wednesday!how long after that will i get my braces on?i really can't wait!
oh my god. i have to read a biography or autobiography for english and i chose this book called ' The Child called 'IT' '. It's about a boy who was violently abused by his mother. And it's so shocking reading the things she does to him, it's unbelievable. It gets even more and more cruel, you just wish that damn bitch would go to hell. Like one of the things she did was when he was 9 or 10, she made him put his arm over a lighted gas stove and just let his arm burn. She didn't even attend it, the poor child had to lick the wound. It's terrible and thats not the worst.
9:37 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Happy Birthday
Sean Mossadeg!!
and Singapore.
I miss home ):
11:50 AM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Hey Alyssa Nicole Dhaliwal(:

As you know I'm horrible with words, so I tried to find a song to send my message across but I couldn't find the perfect one.
So I'll just put it very simply.
I will be here for you anytime. of course not very 'anytime' like vic or zhenyi. But I'm just a phone call away. and you don't have to worry about taking up my time or anything like that. because i don't exactly do very useful things with the time i have.
you feel insane so often!?you're like the normal one out of the three of us. i don't think straight most of the time.vic is just crazy luh huh.hahaha. but if you really insist that you feel insane,then i'm glad that i somehow make you feel the slightest bit normal.
and yes!i wont allow such a long break between us.hahaha.if im not wrong i have a six week break from june next year.wah!hahaha.
Just try to relax a bit. i know its easier said than done.but please try. i'm so worried about you.and the fact that i can't help you.and that i can't even be there to give you a hug or something just annoys me.
Don't watch Charmed. watch Gilmore Girls.hahaha. I'm kidding.
i really hope i didn't say anything wrong and that i helped somehow.
I love love love love love love love love love you times an infinity.
Please take good care xoxo

4:17 PM
Breaking the Habit!