Friday, June 27, 2008
TWILIGHT comes out on 12.12.2008 in the US. I pray so very hard that it won't take too long after for it to come out in Singapore.
And Taylor Lautner is so damn cute!I think he's perfect for Jacob Black because he does have his boyish look. I really wouldn't mind settling for him.hahaha. I'm kidding.

'Take care of my heart, I've left it with you.'
9:15 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
When he first walked into the shop, she couldn't help but stare. He was probably in his early 20's and wasn't very tall for that age. He was pretty good looking and had quite a hot body. That wasn't what took her breath away though. It was the way he looked at her. She never had anyone look her in the eye when spoken to. Most would look straight ahead behind her or have their eyes shift around constantly. This guy never looked away. Not once did he take his mesmerizing eyes off her. She almost forgot how to breathe. He was so polite and had a very charming smile, which made her day.
As she watched him walk away, she sighed to herself , knowing that this would be the first and last time she'd see him. She was never one for small talk. She wished she was, so that she could have maybe striked up a conversation and then some exchanging of numbers could have been in the making. Then again, even if she was, he was probably attached. He did order for two. In the real world, she was out of his league. It seemed that all the guys she dated before were jerks and didn't exactly have the physical features or looks that made you dreamy. Why was that? She came up with two theories. One:She just attracts the wrong set of guys. Two:She was never confident enough to fulfill her desires.
She had only recently started reading the book titled, 'Twilight'. The one thing that she especially loves is the way the author describe the character ,Edward Cullen. Like,' I couldn't imagine how an angel could be any more glorious. There was nothing about him that could be improved upon.' It makes her hope and dream that she could find her prince soon and that her love story could be just as romantic. But of course without the vampires and werewolves.

10:54 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Monday, June 16, 2008
I'm not sure about what I want anymore.
My parents asked me to pray for a good outcome. But which one is?
I might be getting what I prayed so hard for before,but not at the price that I have to pay now.
Then again, it isn't a life or death situation.
And I'd pay whatever the cost was, to feel that sense of security, love and human touch I long for.
Can I really wait that long?
But I guess it's not up to me.
We shall see what the higher power has in store.
4:56 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Money can't buy happiness.
Is that so?
I'm pretty sure it makes your life so much easier which kind of equals to happiness don't you reckon?
An emotional state of mind characterized by feelings of gloom and inadequacy. It is a mental state of excessive sadness characterized by persistently low,loss of pleasure and interest.
10:49 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I am a very strong believer in karma.
Right now, I'm trying to think of what I've done to deserve all of this shit.
Actually,it's been going through my mind for a really long time. I know I've done a lot of
wrong in my life. But seriously,this punishment is way too harsh.
bloody hell. God's just being one hell of a bitch right now. After saying this, he's
probably going to make the situation even more screwed up.
8:07 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Monday, June 9, 2008
After Thursday, studies can go screw itself. I am so tired of studying. It's probably the most that I've done for th year and it's not even that much!I know,I know. I should put more effort into it but there's just so many things on my mind at the moment.
Sex and the City was really good. One of the parts made me want to cry because the emotions were so dramatic and real. Anyway, it got me thinking about marriage.
Can you imagine that in about six to eight years,most of us would be settling down with our one true love?haha.It is quite daunting thinking about it. It's probably every girl's dream to get married, it is for me I think. Well, it was. I've become quite skeptical about it,hearing the stories from my Mum about her friends' broken marriages.
One of them had her husband walk out on the family ,she didn't even know what the problem was. He never wanted to talk about it. Now her two sons are taking his side. And she's just so disappointed. It was quite a shock when my mum told me about it, cause last year they invited us over for dinner and they were happy and stuff. But she said that he knew how to act like everything was normal in front of guests. Funny thing is her husband's three brothers are all divorced.
Another friend's husband was always traveling, and surprise surprise he found himself a mistress. It happened like 7 years ago. I remembered I used to see her crying in church or at functions, I never understood why. And only later did my Mum explain the situation to me. And their son was probably like 4 when they got divorced.
If that were to happen to me, I don't think I would be able to cope with the pain and sadness that comes along with it. I'm a wreck when it comes to break ups already and thats really nothing compared to a marriage break up.
But I wonder, do people even try to make it work? What happened to,"To have and to hold,from this day forward,for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness or in health,to love and to cherish 'till death do us part' "?
But of course there are the successful ones. My parents would be a perfect example. haha.I'm so proud of them. On the 30th of July, it would be their 20th anniversary. And its just being married together! They were going out since my Mum was Sec 1 and my Dad was Sec 3, with a couple of breaks in between till they got married. And I don't think I've ever seen or heard them fight before. And people actually had doubts about their arrangements when we came to Perth. They proved them wrong alright!
Guess all we could do is hope for the best. I can't wait to attend my friends weddings though.hahaha. Okay, it's still pretty far into the future. I should get back to studying.
5:46 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
2 exams down, 3 more to go. Discrete Math's tomorrow, it's quite a relief from all those other theory exams. We're really lucky here though, we get to bring in 4 pages of notes in for the Math exam. If only that could happen in Singapore, would have saved all of us the trouble memorizing those freaking formulas. Bloody hell.
Andrew,that lucky numbskull, is flying back home in a week's time for his confirmation camp. It struck me yesterday about the affirmation letter we got to read from our parents during the second day of camp or something. And I remembered how during my year 12 retreat, Sarah not only got a letter from each of her parents and Colin but also from her older brother. And I thought,' Wow, how sweet of him. I would be so touched if my brother did that.' So I decided to write Andrew one. It's like 2 pages long.haha. It's funny that I got quite emotional writing it. I was tearing while I wrote this, 'I love you, Paulina and Ashley so very much,even though my actions may seem otherwise. I really do.' And I just broke down. I guess it was out of guilt, like I mentioned earlier in the letter,'I'm sorry I haven't been a good role model to you and Paulina and I'm sorry for not being the best big sister around.' Like I felt bad for taking advantage of this great family that I have and that some of the things I've done have been so inconsiderate and insensitive. I felt kind of upset too, cause it made me remember how they sometimes say to me,' Why can't you be kind and caring for once?' I usually ignored it but I guess it just only got to me,so there was that element of hurt because I do try.And it made me to realise how much I really loved my siblings and to treasure them. It makes me want to be a better sister, to stop being mean and always look out for them. Well, I hope he likes the letter anyway.
Sex and the City with Mummy tomorrow!
10:52 PM
Breaking the Habit!