Saturday, March 29, 2008
Okay!so as of tomorrow, Perth and Singapore
are going to be the same time alright!weird stuff but yeahhhhh.
At work today, I slipped and fell in the huge freezer ):
I was carrying a box of fries and i didn't notice a layer
of ice on the floor and yeah I slipped backwards.
boohoo ):
this is how steven reacts, really sympathetic.
steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pam. hopeless love. says:thats not funny!!
pam. hopeless love. says:ive got a bruise on my arm now
steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:haha!steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:it is so funi
steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:was it a good fall?
pam. hopeless love. says:ehhh you could say so?
pam. hopeless love. says:i was cryin a box of fries slipped on ice on the floor and like flew backwards
pam. hopeless love. says:carryin*
steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:hahahah
steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:tht is so good!
steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:i wish i was ther!
pam. hopeless love. says:haha!thank god you werent
steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:i wouldn hav laughed tho
steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:until i no ur ok
steeeeve!!!! sooner or later masturbate or lose says:then id laugh!
8:31 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, March 28, 2008
hahaha. mossie, i would think that you were more ' The Mentos Guy' but since you insist that you are gummy bears than alright.haha. well there wasn't anything about gummy bears but there was 'The Jelly Bean Guy' which is pretty similar ? let's see what it says.
5:19 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Guy Candy.
i read this article couple of months ago from Girlfriend.and did you know that the different candies you find in the confectionary aisle totally represent the type of guys out there?? well, i didn't.hahaha. And it is all surprisingly pretty true. Well, here's a couple. ENJOY!!The Mars Bar Guy
These are the boys you know
you probably shouldn't have
too much of (i.e. the really hot
bad boy, the smooth talking
player..), but you're attracted
to them all the same. Be careful
though.coz once you take a bite,
things can get very,very messy...
The Mentos Guy
If you've devoured an entire tube of
Mentos without giving it a second thought,
you'll know what we're talking about.
These are the kinda of guys you wanna
hang out with all the time.
You can't help it,they're addictive!
The M&Ms Guy
M&Ms equate to your all-round,
classic nice guy.
They're fun,cute-as-a-button,
and you've always got a soft spot for them.
No one turns down M&Ms!
The Flake Guy
Flakes are super yummy, but really, they fall
apart the moment you take them out of the wrapper.
This is the seemingly perfect guy whose perfection
rapidly deteriorates the more you spend time with him
-like when you meet a smokin' hot boy..only to
discover that he's about as much fun as
clearing a blocked toilet.
8:15 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
oh yes!i forgot to mention how shopping with steven went.hahha.
anyways, this girl holly from year 11 joined us for a bit.
like in between.
the first thing he said to me was,'You're really small'
a short while later he asks me,' How's the weather down there?'
bigger arse.
it was pretty much a day of walking around aimlessly.
but don't get me wrong,it was fun:D
we got his drumsticks,i got a reversible belt for andrew's birthday present.
we were suppose to go watch 'Drillbit Taylor' with his friends.
but he couldn't be bothered after that.
so we just hung out for a bit more.
7:12 PM
Breaking the Habit!
With You
I need you boo,
I gotta see you boo
And there're hearts all over the world tonight,
Said the hearts all over the world tonight
When you talk to me
I swear the whole world stops
You're my sweetheart
And I'm so glad that you are mine
You are one of a kind and
You mean to me
What i mean to you and
together baby
there is nothing we won't do
cause if i got you,
i don't need money,
i don't need cars, you're my all.
I'm into you,
no one else would do,
cause with every kiss and every hug,
you make me fall in love,
and now i know i can't be the only one,
i bet there are hearts all over world tonight,
with the love of their life who feel
what i feel when i'm with you.
I don't want nobody else.
without you,there's no one left then.
i gotta have you and i cannot wait now.
say you care for me,
you know i care for you,
you know that i'll be true,
you know that i won't lie,
you know that i would try,
to be your everything.
And i will never try to deny,
that you're my whole life.
cause if you ever let me go
i would die.
so i won't front
i don't need another man.
i just need your all or nothing
cause if i got that
then i'll be straight
Baby,you're the best part of my day.
My most played song at the moment.
well,it's not the whole song.just bits of it. and i changed the woman to man of course.haha.
anyway, the point is...i love it! sweet is it.
makes me dream a little dream.
and well some parts just mean a little something to me.
4:22 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
To: Winsome Cham
yeah!i know!
he like offered me gum which he was already chewing.
and jelly beans!
what the hell.
you have his name bold and in red.
he like chose to give me the red jelly beans in packet.
yeah i gave him one of the M&M easter eggs.
and he gave me a hug.
8:19 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, March 21, 2008
i am sick of being treated like a child. like we have freakin passwords to get on the computer. and of all people paulina's knows it. and like andrew and i have to ask her to log onto the computer for wtf. i was soooo annoyed about it today i just started going off. and then my mum decides to tell us the password.i mean does it take one of us to get mad before they tell us what the password is? god they know we're not capable of checkin out porn sites.thats just disgusting. i just use it for msn man.
yeah anyway on a brighter note. i am pretty sure that i like him. but i've never gotten what i in terms of boys. the guys ive gone out with told me they liked me first. ive never told a guy i liked him and had it actually work. guess i'm afraid of rejection and im never sure of myself. and im also afraid that the friendship would never be the same.that it'd be weird.
i don't know if i should tell him how i feel. i really like how things are between us now.should i just be happy with it?
but i really miss being in a relationship. quite a few people i know are in one. and its sweet. i miss getting cuddles from the guy you love. and sweet kisses on the lips or forehead. i miss having a guy's arm around my waist and the feeling that he'll never let go. and just knowing you've got someone there for you.there's just heaps of things i miss luh.
i don't know what to do. i'm calling alyssa tonight. for help!hhaha.
7:52 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
i can't believe i've been back for more than a month. it sometimes feels like forever.
but it also feels like it was just yesterday that i was having BK brekkie with the
it's so complicating. like i want time to slow down a little,so i could catch up with the
shit loads of study and homework that i get each week. then again, i want time to fly
by me until december, so i can go home and see all of my friends.and enjoy being
freaking 18 with them.yeah!
we had a year assembly on wednesday and like the head of our year was giving us
some countdown to the end of term and exams and what not. so there's 17 school
days left of this term. and next term there's only 20 school days till the mid years.what
the hell mann.and there's still so many things to cover. and then after that ive only
got one term of school left.scary stuff.

Everybody meet the Love Dinosaur. Steven drew it in my diary.haha.
12:19 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
' I hope you're up for drama,'cos your life resembles a TV soap this month'.
haha this is my horoscope this month. i wonder what it was in January.haha.could have been something similar.You know sometimes i think these things aren't total bullshit like they can be so true at times.i swear.
Like the whole ball thing.what the hell.that was major drama. and then now the soundwave situation. I really don't wanna mention anything here bout it. Because i couldn't care less like i really don't see why you should be so mad at me.
yeah, most people found soundwave freaking awesome. but for me it was alright. haha. ashleigh was all like,' you paid 100 bucks to go to this gig thing and all you think of it is alright!?' i'm like yeah.guess it isn't my thing. i enjoyed the bands that i really wanted to catch. But the crowd and the other hardcore bands just put me off man. Didn't feel comfortable at all and i got like a headache at the end of it. yeah,experience.
i'm just glad things between kerr and i are good.really good actually. might be hanging out this Saturday. yerp. guess it was just a huge misunderstanding. she and colin paid an extra 8 dollars for the limo by the way. cause she kind of realised now it is pretty unfair that I have to pay the full 120 dollars. yeah.
10:45 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
it was pretty fun while it lasted. not much different from dinner dance. But just a bit
formal and grand with the before's and afters and stuff like that.DJ was pretty good.
haha. yeah it was an awesome night. it was pretty depressing during the slow dance
though.when all the partners got on the dance floor and swayed to 'Iris' by the Goo GooDolls. But Steven saved the day.hahaha. took my hand and we danced for a bit :D he
came with a partner but they were hardly together. haha. weee.okay. here's a couple
of the pictures.yeow!

12:42 PM
Breaking the Habit!