Monday, February 25, 2008
swimming carnival today!haha. all i did was check out the guys.hahaha.nah kidding.
well not really:D man,i wish i was born in the year 1992. the guys are so much hotter inthat year. felt like such a loser 'perving' ( that's what winsome calls it) on the guys in
year 11. can't help it. they were really hot lah!sadly i didn't steal any shots of
and driving lessons start for me on thursday! hell excited and nervous at the same time.what if what if i crash into a powerbox?! kidding.i hope she doesn't read this. wish me luck!
9:07 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
This is for jaclyn chong yo.hahaha. babe, hope you get well soon and please take care. love you heaps. i'll be praying for you. love love love!
11:56 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, February 22, 2008
I want to go home now.
things just suck here now.
it's not my fault dan isn't allowed to go to the ball. they can't
expect me to pay for 2 for the limo. effing 120 bucks mann. it's either that. or i find
someone else. but it's not that easy you's not like i know many guys who would
wanna go with me.
urghh.yes i want to take the first flight home. yes, i can't face problems.i can't try to find
solutions to most of you know i like to runaway from them.hoping that things would
just get figured out by themselves. it just seems easier that way. i have no where to run
to now. i can't like walk over to aly's place and say i wanna stay for the night with my
best friend.
i really really need a fag.i swear. 12 days without it.woohoo.cant stand it.haha.
9:46 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
He's not allowed to come.
his sister is gonna speak to Sadler. it's useless.
they even gave him back the refund for the dinner.
pretty pissed at him too. he knew how much i was looking forward to it. kept asking if i was excited.i'd be ,'hell yeah!' could have always gone for the mass first and then his sisters celebration right.
now all the fucking plans are ruined.fuck lah!
it actually means a lot to me. i mean when will we ever get a chance to attend a school ball again?never.
7:23 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Pretty happy today aye. Got the invites for the befores and afters from Sarah. Made my hair and make up appointments for the ball. oh!Target had some offer on Maybelline products where the second item you buy is half the price. bought the sky high curves mascara (oh my gosh,it really gives your lashes nice high curves.lovin it!) and a sapphire eyeliner. That would be the fifth mascara that I own. hahaha. I love love love cosmetics. Like collecting the different colours and products. it's so fun. anyway my mood was kinda ruined, when i found out that Dan might not be able to go to the ball.yeap. All because he didn't attend the fuckin community mass yesterday. Mr Sadler can just go burn in hell. Don't know what the fuck his problem is mann. I'm gonna be dateless. great. and like i was really really looking forward to spending the night with him. and now this. what the fuck. you have no idea how fuckin annoyed i am. like if i didnt have a date from the beginning i would be so fine with that. but like having everything planned 3 months ahead that i was going with Dan. and you know you kinda picture what will happen that night. now.FUCK!!!!
but they can't not let him go right. he's paid and everything. he even got us a matching corsage and pinhole. what the hell. urgh urgh urgh. i really really hope they'll let him go.
7:30 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I've got my Soundwave ticket!oh my i heard 'Boys Like Girls' dropped out of the concert. i really hope it's just a rumour. They are the main reason why I'm going for the gig.
it's just 2 weeks away. along with the ball!
there's quite a few things i need to do before that.
1. Get accessories and maybe a clutch (very very important!)
2. Find a hair style
3. Find a hairstylist and a make up artist.
4. Compile a cd for the limo
5. Go to the florist to order some flower to put in Dan's tux's pocket. (yeap, I never knew that.only found that out last week)
i think thats about it.yeahh.
There's so many things i got to save up for too.OMG.
1. For the leaver's jacket (110 bucks!)
2. For Sydney trip, leavers and the trip back to Singapore at the end of the year.
3. braces (yes, trying to persuade my Dad to let me have them and i'll like pay half of it.must have it by this year)
4. and of course cosmetics and clothing.
Should i take a chance?
12:02 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day all!
Dan got me a stuffed toy doggie's so adorable!hahahah. I really wasn't expecting it. Like we planned to hang out during lunch but he like disappeared, then when we did find each other he was like would you follow me to my locker i was like yerh sure. actually thought he wanted to get some other stuff. then he like took the gift out.awwwww.but people were staring!i was like,'go away!'
And winsome got sophie, sarah and i this really cute key chain from Hongkong.
Yeah,so the picture on the left is a drawing of me.hehehe. asian chick with blue hair.and the one the right has my name.oh can you see the 'fri'?yeah.when you put it all four of our keychains together it says friends forever i think.hahaha.i shall get a picture of it tomorrow or something.Thanks chamface! i love it and you!:D

9:31 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It is V day tomorrow people!more like D day.with touchy couples all around.exchanging of gifts made with love.ha.girls talking about where their boyfriend's gonna take them for dinner.oh god.hahaha.i'm sounding like such the Grinch. I am definitely one who is into V day. It's nice to see love all around us. I've got a date my friends.oh yes, a very adorable one. Mr William March. He's going to be sharing with me his short story, 'The Prisoners'.How very thoughtful of him. I'll then need to write about it next week for a test in
I think I'll just be dreaming of my ideal Valentine's date tonight in my sleep.
Can't can't wait for the ball. I still need to get my accessories. And I need to find a place to do my make up and hair. It's just 2 weeks and a half away!
It's going to be a massive weekend. The ball's on saturday.then the afters till the morning. on sunday the whole of year 12 are going to cottoslowe(however its spelt) beach for a beach party.oh yeah. And!SOUNDWAVE on monday.awesome shit there yo.
10:06 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Monday, February 11, 2008
10 fucking months till i go back to Singapore. Dad was like,'Hey, absence makes the heart grow stronger.' No shit. I cried myself to sleep yesterday, like the minute we got to our gate I was tearing and then on the plane I just weeped till my eyes were sore and I slept through out the whole flight.haha. I felt even more upset than the first time I left, think I had too much fun and the thought of only going back at the end of the year was a dreadful.
First day of school wasn't too bad. Pretty awesome shit seeing all my friends again. But it really sucks balls that I have got so darn much of work to catch up on. Quite happy with the teachers I have. Well, really hope this year sails by smoothly. Drama is definitely out of the picture.haha.Some of the few things i'm really gonna miss at home :
-Walking over to my dear Alyssa's place at anytime of the day and our last minute sleepovers
-Friday night dinner's with Vic and Alyssa-hate to say this but the tormenting of Jem and Bong-the late nights just hanging outGuess just all of my friends. Oh, and the guys. I'm pretty deprived of the company of them here,haha,so yeah. And the two really cute guys i know and really wouldn't mind going out with them. B and S.haha. Think only Aly and Vic would know who I'm talking about. Oh well, maybe something could happen when I get back.heh.

7:48 PM
Breaking the Habit!