Friday, November 30, 2007
Dinner Dance was the bomb!
It was held at the Fremantle Sailing club.real beautiful place. When we got there, everyone just mingled and took pictures. It was a buffet styled dinner but obviously no one went for seconds. Food was good though, yum! And just as hour into the night , everybody got their asses on the dance floor!oh yeah! the songs were so damn good! it was pretty much like clubbing, the DJ's were awesome. and there were those disco and flashing lights.gosh, it was just one very AWESOME night !oh, and there were awards given out. 'Best Male/ Female Outfit' , 'Best Male/Female Dancer ' and 'The Cutest Couple of the year'. and obviously i didn't win any.ha. 

yeah.took heaps more of pictures.uploaded them on facebook. this week was a pretty cool one i must say. except for Monday.oh god, i can't stop thinking about how much i screwed up the fucking accounting exam. seriously gonna pull my A down to a fucking C.i swear. anyway, on a much lighter note, Tuesday was officially the last day of year 11 baby!but they freaked us out by saying how little time we had together next year.owhh. and we got our year books!yay!colin picked sarah,winsome and i from school and then we went to sarah's place then headed off to the city for shopping. oh yeah. dylan, yazan,tim, claire and adrian met us. spent like half the day there.then went back to sarah's place to play her PS3.haha.and the girls stayed over:)
yea.then on Wednesday , mum picked me up.and then we went to shop at Garden City!bought Christmas presents for Aly, Vic, Jac and Yve.yay! hope they like it :P Thursday, Dinner Dance. Today, nothing very exciting. work! Tomorrow, Matt Fenwick's party! Sophie's gonna bring the drinks and I'm gonna share with her :D Sunday, there's some barberque for Andrew's soccer team, so the whole family's invited. and I'm really hoping and not working so i can meet up with Winsome before she freaking flies off to Hongkong cause i won't see her for like 2 months!hehehe.
11:16 AM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
australian idol finals is on now.
but obviously i can't watch the whole thing.
you have no idea how much i want tomorrow to be over and done with!
anyway, i'm rooting for the one i have been from the very beginning.
but i wouldn't be very sad if NATALIE wins.cause she's awesome too.haha.
i wish i was in looks so fun to be there. watching the whole concert.
6:57 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
sixth sense.
that's what winsome calls it. but i'm pretty sure it isn't. purely coincidence.
the first thing was she doubted that her dream ball date would say yes. she was expecting a no. and like one other said she didn't think so. but i told her that i had this really strong feeling he'd say yes. i wasn't only trying to make her feel good.but i really believed he wouldn't say no. i mean winsome, who could say no to you? :P
and well, she plucked up all her courage and asked him. he agreed in the sweetest way ,'yes, i'd love to.' she's the happiest person alive now. haha.i think.
the second thing was on the last day of school before exams started, we were talking about ball dates and stuff. everyone in our limousine had dates except for me. she asked me who i wanted to take but i really didn't have a clue. i was thinking about guys who i could take as friends. then again i still wasn't sure. i mean its always nicer if a guy asks a girl.
and then i told her that i was hoping that just maybe someone in the school might secretly like me but didn't dare come talk to me or never got the chance to. i'm not trying to be proud or anything, it was just a wish?a dream?i don't know.i hope you get me.
and well this happens just a few days after:D
like i said i was hoping but didn't expect it to come so soon. i doubted anything would happen because of the exams and then the holidays i would be gone for a long there wasn't exactly much chance for me to get to know anyone.expected that if anything would happen, it would be when i get back to school.
it's just weird. haha. a conspiracy. i'm kidding.
he thinks i didn't know he existed before we spoke to each other. but i told him,nope. i notice him everyday. around the canteen.walking with his friends. walking past my geography class to his english class. haha.yeah.
back to studying.blast it.
2:32 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Dinner Dance in a week's time.hoorah!
mum's like i should just go as Pamela Anderson.reason 1)i am
busty too.hee. 2)she thinks I'm a real bimbo cause i say the
dumbest things.
e.g i call my mum at home aight and asks her where she, very stupid.god, i sound like lynette.haha!
'she's gonna cheat on you dan!', thats what his mum and sis
said after they saw my pictures on facebook.i don't know.but
i'm pretty affected by they don't even know me and they
make these kinda assumptions.we're not even together yet!
and if they knew about past relationships, i'm not the one who
cheats. i don't do that. i was the one that had my
9:14 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
"If i were Romeo, would you be my Juliet for the ball?" it's pretty cheesy but sweet. don't you think?
it's better than "If i were to look up 'beautiful' in the dictionary, i'd see a picture of you" .yes, very bad pick up line. thank god he didn't use it on me.heard that during math class. ha.
i'm really really happy anyway :DDD can you tell?haha.
i guess i was hoping. i never thought something would happen so soon.
8:09 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
GO AUSTRALIA!HAHA.they won the netball world championships.gosh, the games were so awesome.really miss playing netball.
you silly one.
you're so funny.
like i said, I'll always keep in mind that it's because of you that I've made so many awesome friends. and you've never once made me feel left out and always made me feel welcomed. you've done so much for me to help me fit in. thanks for being the best company ever during economics and accounting. you always make me feel good about feels good to know that you can open up to me so freely. its like you trust me that much. yeah. i love you , MOLE! no one can ever replace you.
and to the one that has a dream date for the ball. its so fantastic talking to you all the time. you're so funny. and remember that i'll always be here for you to talk to. i'm so very happy that we were put in the same retreat group. got to know each other so much better.and tadah!look at where we are.hahah.and thanks so much for're always so generous and thoughtful. i love you , MOLE NO.2!haha. you're so awesome.
8:32 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Monday, November 12, 2007
golly.i wish i could take back all the cursing i made about the chilly
spring weather. Because i definitely prefer that to the freaking weather
we experienced here today.39 degrees man!
watched "Butterfly Effect" last night. it was a pretty cool the gist
of it is that he could go back in the past and change it just by reading his
how awesome would that be if we could do it?if i could do it.there's so
many things i wished i could change. i regret so many things i did do and
things i didn't do.but most of all its what i have done. this sounds crazy
but i really haven't forgotten many of the things i did. i was such a bitch
might still be.i don't know. I've been having quite a lot of flashbacks
which i want to forget. but i just can't. it's like i need forgiveness from
those people i had hurt. but i feel silly bringing up the past because they
would probably brush it off. I'm afraid it might bring negative feelings
back. like they remember everything and then things will turn out hell
awkward. i remember that i was super super petty before.oh my gosh, i
feel so embarrassed about it i wish i never existed.
and then there are the things i wish i had done. like stand up for myself.
and say 'NO'. yes, that must be my biggest regret. i could have stopped it.
and then things would have been very different. friends wouldn't act
weird around me. and people wouldn't gossip so much about what they
heard about me. or my parents and friends wouldn't have been so upset
for me.
I'm kinda glad that things are turning out a bit better, i guess it's because
everyone's growing older and are more mature.
7:53 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Some people here are such disgusting thieves! sarah and sophie's lunch got stolen from their what the hell. they steal anything they can get their hands on.i've already had a few of my stationery missing, it's really frustrating! i'll just have to go back to Singapore to by them, they've got a wider range of stationery, much cooler too.haha.
winsome and i were thinking about whether the people stole their lunch because they were actually hungry and had no lunch or just did it for the fun of it. if it was the latter then i think that'd be pretty stupid hey.wasting food.
the exams officially start next thursday. but my first paper's only on the following monday,which is the 19th of november.economics!then my last two papers are on the 26th. last day of school the next day. and because school ends early, my friends were thinking of going into the city!yay, and then sushi for dinner!yum!the last time i had sushi was in july when i went back hey.pretty long time.
so technically i've only got 7 days of school left.WOW.
i can't wait to shop for new clothes with my birthday money.
oh!i got this tee from jayjays.its the cutest thing!it says "I ONLY DATE MUSICIANS"
hmmm, thats kinda true. i really find musicians attractive. it just shows that they're talented.teehee.

10:02 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
can you believe that we're into the month of november?this means that we've only got 2 months left for the year and then hello 2008!time does fly, really fast.
Jasmine's party was pretty good.just had the music on and bonding. went around the different groups there to chat and get to know people better. we went to the nearby park about three hours into the party. it was a chilly night, but i liked it. it's going to be the last few that we're gonna have because temperatures are going up. and mann, do they know how to conserve energy here. the park was pitch black. you really could not see where you were going or who was in front of you. the only light that we got were from the cars that drove past. but it was nice being there with friends. felt so rebellious, a whole big group of about 20 or so teenagers out at night taking a walk in the park.haha. nah, im kidding about the rebellious part. i felt safe too because we had a couple of guys around. but they were mucking around most of the time. so actually it wouldn't have made a big difference. and it was the most beautiful night ever! the sky filled with so many stars, and we found the southern cross. ahh, how pretty.

7:42 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, November 2, 2007
alyssa dear, hope you liked my totally awesome card. wish i could own a bear like that. pinch its cheeks every night man.
i got a pay rise!YAY FOR PAMMY!yes from 8 bucks to 10 bucks(aussie) .be very jealous people, be very jealous.hahah im kidding ya'll! yeah, got the rise cause i turned totally awesome. imagine if you got a pay rise like that everytime you
turned a year older.god i think everyone wouldnt mind working at macca's for the rest of their life.but of course there's some maximum age thing.
what the fuck else happened?
haha.excuse my very random not pissed or anything.just watched "Superbad" fucking hilarious.yes, the language is fuckin coarse.and well, i just felt like swearing and shit now.guess we do learn stuff from teh movies.the best part is i watched it with my mama, isnt she like the coolest ever.i love her.
on the topic of my upsets me to see her upset. and the only time she does is because of a total asshole. okay, i shouldn't say that, because it is rude.but i really can't stand how he treats my has happened so many times!too many to count. my mum's been telling me her problems with him for years. he's so friggin' insecure bout friends. he keeps them so close to and leaves us out on outings and shit.but fuck, my mum has known them for an even longer time mann.i dont really care,its more my mum. like when my dad came to visit us during our last holiday, he kept calling and wanting to meet up with us. and he didn't get the point that we havent seen our dad and my mum ,her husband for ages and we all want our own private time together.but they kept insisting to meet really was annoying but my mum's afraid of him, she's afraid to get him upset because he's got such an attitude. and like just last weekend, their friends came over to visit. and surprise surprise people, they didnt bother calling us along to go spend time with what the fuck. thats the time when my mum would like to hang out with her friends as a whole group and they dont call.fucking retards. hmm, i think ally might know who im talking about. try to keep it to yourself. there's just so many more that has happened but no one knows about.and my mum usually keeps it from friends and only tells my dad and i.i just really really hope this won't happen to our family.bahh..yeah i love my mummy.
i've got a party tomorrow. Jasmine's!too bad there's no alcohol. her rents are hell strict. ah well, im sure we can have fun without it.(that's what she said).
42 days friends.
10:01 PM
Breaking the Habit!