Sunday, August 26, 2007
it's Australian idol Fever now baby!
so much more enjoyable to watch than singapore idol. no offense people but its a fact.the contestants are so much more talented.a hundred times better.
but then again there are the losers who can't sing for nuts and 'won't take no for an answer.or those who just want 5 minutes of fame like one guy who dressed up as borat i think.what idiots.
anyway i know who my idol is.
Matt Corby!
my reasons are --> he's so friggin' his hair.his voice is AMAZING.he surfs and skates.he's a Copeland fan! the way he dresses.
there's just something about him.he's got a bad boy kinda look.but when he speaks you know there's an innocent and soft side to him. he's sixteen by the way.and writes his own songs i think.thats what i like :P
please do check him out here:
i promise you will fall in love with him.haha.
2:24 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Monday, August 13, 2007
julia's party was was sweet and was a very simple gathering thing.we played 'singstar' most of the time.played passing the parcel.hee.and other kiddy stuff.brings back the childhood memories alright. it was pretty funny though.everyone had an idea of what they wanted to dress up as.but had so many things missing for the costume.
i just ended up dressing up.get it?hee.just as a POPSTAR.i think the spice girls reunion has gotten to my head though.everytime someone asks me what im gonna be i just say.'oh,posh spice!'haha.nothing like her.she has short hair.she's hell skinny and pretty.married to a rich soccer player.ha.but i guess thats what dress up parties are be someone or something you want to be but know its not possible.FANTASIZE.

the hippie.

the pretty angel:)

she thinks she looks like ginny weasley.haha!puhlease!im just person she does remind you of her.
chrissy finds it so bloody hard to smile in front of the camera.I SWEAR.
11:30 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
some customer's were being a bitch today.but there were 2 that really made my day:)so,i was doing drive thru.getting money from a customer.another one drive's through.customer : is this thing broken?me :i'll be with you shortly.customer :no worries, bout the wait can i take your order?customer:don't apologize!you're just doing your he makes his order and drives to the second window to pay.(while getting money)customer :so how has your day been?me:pretty bad.customer: whys that?me :people haven't been very nice.customer: aww really?thats not very appropriate.why don't we try cheering you up?how bout we tell you a real funny joke!(he thinks for a while) naw..sorry love dont have one.(turns to his mate)how bout you have you got one?customer's friend: yeah!yeah!(his wallet's against his chin,he looks like he's thinking real hard)naw,i'm really sorry dont have one.customer:oh well,really hope your day gets better.cheer up your specs!pink frames!haha.yeah.bunch of awesome people.another customer after said he loved me.hahahhaa!
11:00 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
i'm curious.intrigued.
i want to watch '' The ' L ' Word".
shall rent it next week.after i'm done with all the tests and assignments.
yeah.thats my plan.
10:28 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
i don't know if i can carry on with my plan.oh mann.i really want to meet someone!
i'm joining this youth group thing is some kind of a first step yeap?meeting new people and all.hope all goes well.
Costume party next weekend!
what should i go as??
a little help here dear friends :)
9:43 PM
Breaking the Habit!