Tuesday, May 29, 2007

do you see that??i finally got it today!after much frustration.haha.i copied down the address of 78 records ( where i was supposed to buy the tickets) .so like today i saw it as 714 hay street.so mum dropped me off while i looked for the place.and like fucking hell i walked up and down those numbers but no 78 records in sight.so i gave up after like half an hour.was so pissed.i really wanted to get th tickets to that concert!and i was pretty sure i copied down the right address.so anyway my mum was like oh well,so we drove out and PRAISE THE LORD!i saw 78 records!it turned out to be 914 hay street.checked my notebook and i did write 914 but like the curvy part didnt come out.you know what i mean.the ink didnt come out you know?haha.so anyway ive got the tickets!
and i'm freakin happy bout something else.you wanna know what?well,priss and matt told me that they earned 7 bucks an hour at mac's last year.so i thought oh thats pretty good.so like today i wanted to confirm with my manager and he said i get 8.24/hr for the first six months.and 10.99 after that!!!!i'm like,"SCORE!!!!"HAHAH!thats heaps of money mann.so like 8.24 you convert to sing its freakin 9.90 lah.bloody hell.i feel on top of the world.
photograph day tomorrow!
11:00 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Monday, May 28, 2007
i don't have to freakin report to head of house anymore to check on my make up!had to go there every morning for the last two weeks.and ms hogan says she's satisfied that i wont be wearing makeup anymore.she keeps singing to me james blunt 'your beautiful'.haha.its quite funny.now, they're gonna be keeping an eye out for me.so shit.like photograph day is on wednesday.will have to make do without.urggh.
first day at work was interesting.haha.there were 2 others trainees and like what the fuck they didnt have uniforms for us?so like i was working in my jeans and top?the people were cool anyway.i did drive thru orders first.and like you get the headset and you press some button on it to hear the orders.yeap!then moved to front counter.did the fries and oh my god!!!it is so disgusting!you should see the amount of oil mann.fuck its sick.haha.no more fries for me:D and then i did desserts and drinks.so like the mcflurrys and sundaes.yum yum.and now i am taking so much of care to my face.i do not wanna get acne and shit like that on my face!but im glad the pay's like good.worth everything.not like freaking pizza hut.
this is to lynette siew.today my school had feastday mass.and like the boys in front of me were mucking around.they took the boy's chair in front of them and like turned it upside down.and the boy didnt notice.it was pretty funny.but anyway!it made me remember the thousands of times i pulled your chair away and like you fell flat on your ass.youth park was the best one!hahahah!i tried so hard not to smile or like people would think im a freak.i know i'm mean to you.shall TRY to restrain.but erm..somehow i dont think its possible.lol.
8:47 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
i got the job at macca's!haha.that paul dude was pretty nice.training's on tomorrow and on tuesday from 4-8pm.hope all goes well.i'm so happy!i can earn money:Dto shop till i drop when im back and to go out and stuff.woohoo!!i've only got this week to study for exams.you must be thinking ,'then why the hell pam did you apply for the damn job?'haha.well i guess i didnt think about it.but dont worry i can manage my time.hahah.i think.it's a pretty short week.got feast day mass first period tomorrow.half day on tuesday because of year 9 and 10's parent-teacher-meeting.wednesday's photograph day so lessons will prolly be disrupted.and friday is student free day!yay!haha.40 days my loves:DDDDD
11:53 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, May 25, 2007
felt pretty homesick and lonely today.one of those days you know.there's so many people around but you still feel so alone.but its kinda different now.i just wanted to be with friends from singapore.
arrghh.oh well.
probably gonna watch pirates tomorrow.priss hasnt called me yet to confirm.really hope she can come.i need a break.and i need to go out!
sister's confirmation is on sunday.hahaha.i find it funny how she's getting confirmed earlier than like kieran (ally's brother who's 15 and is only getting confirmed later this year.haha.)!she's twelve by the way.she's my height.biatch.she's freaking 5 years younger than me!!!!
9:12 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Monday, May 21, 2007
i told myself that if i were to get a job here.food and beverage outlets were a 'nono'.cos i was just sick and tired of doing waitressing.and like for macca's or kfc you can get heaps of pimples and a really oily face with all the frying going on in the kitchen.so like a week ago i sent in my resume for IGA but i havent got any sorta reply.so i was like fuck it.I AM SO DESPERATE FOR A JOB!!like when i go back to singapore i so bet im gonna be going out lots.doing lots of shopping and i do not want to have to beg my parents for money.i need to buy a new phone too!DAMN THAT SON OF A BITCH.so i applied for macca's online on friday night.they said they would reply me within 48 hours.how good is that?not like bloody IGA.that woman manager told me she'd call during the week.she lied to me!!hahaha.yeap.checked my mail yesterday and i am up for an interview at macca's this sunday with Mr Paul Yarnold.haha.
i wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna go for anberlin and copeland's gig!i hope the tickets aint sold out.and i found out an annoying thing yesterday.TRELLA has a gig at the esplanade on the 1st of july and im gonna miss them!!bloody hell.i'm only coming back on the 7th.buggerbuggerbugger.well,at least im coming back.hur.
8:12 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
my godma called us today.she asked me how i was.and whether i was enjoying myself.i told her i liked it here.and that ive made quite a lot of friends.so it was all good.then she asked me if i missed my friends back home and whether i was excited to go back.i was like hell yeah!haha.been counting down the days and all.she thought i was crazy and asked why when i just told her i was enjoying myself here.
ME: i guess it's just different.i still feel more comfortable with the friends back home.i mean i did grow up with them.and i miss them so much.and they tell me about fun stuff thats happening back home, i'm happy for them.but then again,it stinks too.knowing that i'm missing out on it.
and she was just like well that's life!
i hate goodbye's.ive gotta say loads more again end of next year.my parents never thought about that huh.they're all like oh you'll have a bigger circle of friends.international friends!big deal.its not like i could possibly keep in contact with them after we leave school.since i am coming back to singapore to work and all.and like would they actually continue to use myspace or msn.hmm..dont think so.and like australia is a much bigger country than singapore (duh) so people can go all over.singapore is so small its so much easier locating people.haha.
why oh why cant friends be forever?it would be so much more simple and fun making friends and getting closer to people.without worrying about the hurt from saying goodbye.
11:28 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
If Only
Photographs. They can make you cry or laugh. They can make you happy or sad. Sometimes, they help you relive that moment which may put a smile on your face or an ache in your heart. They make you think and wonder about the past, present and future. I, for one, truly believe the saying that pictures speak a thousand words.
It was just about a week ago when I came across old albums during my monthly spring cleaning. I ended up spending four hours crying and laughing over all the memories instead of actually packing and tidying the place.
16/11/1990. I was barely a month old and I was back at Gleneagles’ Hospital. No, it was not because I fell ill or any of that sort. My parents had brought me to visit their good friends who had just given birth to a baby girl. Alyssa Dhaliwal was her name. At that moment, when I was looking at the photograph, I sniggered to myself. I was thinking about how people used to tell me, “Oh yes! I have known her since like forever!” In actual fact, they might have probably known each other for five years. But I bet no one could beat Alyssa and I. Up till this day, we have been best friends and are totally inseparable. We celebrate our birthdays together, fought over boys, joined the church choir together, went overseas for holidays together and well, done almost everything together! We might be miles away from each other now but I believe that how ever far apart we are from each other; nothing can break the strong bond that we share.
22/7/1996. I can still remember how much I hated that kindergarten uniform of mine. It was a hideous light green with dark green checks all over it. However, that did not stop me from having the biggest smile on my face. Why? You may ask. I was at a school excursion in the zoo and my teacher had partnered me with the boy of my dreams! I thought he was the only boy who did not seem to be contaminated with germs. Well, that was what I thought then. The other boys were mean and insensitive. There was once when a boy stabbed me in the back for no reason at all and I had to get three stitches for that. And how could I forget, Russell the rascal. He used to run up to me every week after school and give me a sloppy kiss on the lips. I would scream my lungs out, shove him away and complain to his older sister. She would yell at him but it always went in one ear and out the other. I really wonder which schools my classmates went to and how they are doing. And that if I was to meet them in the coming years, would I recognize them?
19/5/2002. It was the annual sports day and everybody was wearing their house shirts. Some housemates and I were warming ourselves up for the cheerleading competition. It was a really nerve wrecking experience, having to perform in front of the whole school. We had practiced very hard for the event but there was still the fear that we might screw it up. We came in second anyway, but I still thought we did fantastic. I miss my primary school days. Life was so carefree and studies were the least of my worries. Although my school was small compared to many others, I was very fond of it. It had a cozy feeling to it and it was like a second home to me. It had a really gorgeous garden in the middle of it. On the far right hand corner of the garden sat a pond with a statue of Mother Mary standing over it. My classroom that year was right next to the pond and it was always pleasant to hear the water flowing from the pond’s fountain. There was at least four wooden shelters with benches around the garden. There was also a marble table and stools placed beneath a coconut tree in the centre of the garden. It was every student’s favourite hang out spot during breaks. The garden was given a name which I felt suited it perfectly. It was called ‘The Garden of Peace’. On this very day, the lovely garden is gone together with the rest of the school. It had been demolished a year ago and renovated into a monstrous four storey building. And that can never measure up to the simple primary convent I once attended.
31/8/2006. It was the last day of school before we were left on our own to prepare for the ‘O’ level examinations. It was the exams we, the teachers and students, had been working towards for four years and how well we did in it determined our future.
I belonged to a really tight clique in school. We used to stay back in school to finish up homework together or walk to the nearby shopping centre after school for lunch. In classes, we always sat together at the back of the classroom. We would sneak in snacks into the classroom and share it among ourselves during lessons. For our last year in school, we wanted to show our gratitude and appreciation to the teachers. So on ‘Teachers’ Day’, we did a song and dance performance together for the teachers. Our time and effort paid off as we received many compliments from the teachers, telling us that they enjoyed the performance very much. We called ourselves ‘The Goon Crew’. ‘Goon’ meaning silly in Malay and ‘Crew’ obviously meaning group. As the name suggests, we were a bunch of silly people. We laughed at everything, cracked silly jokes and played silly pranks on each other. All in all everything we did kept us together.
We did not let the worries of exams get to us. We treasured our time, reminded each other about the memories we shared and took a lot of pictures. Some of us cried too, knowing that we were all going separate ways and that friendships might drift apart. But we made each other a promise, gave each other hope that we would make our friendship work and lasts. And I am proud to say that all of us are still in touch and are as close as ever.
I opened my eyes and found myself lying on my bed. I must have been so engrossed with the photographs, that I took a really long walk down memory lane and fell asleep. It felt good though, taking some time off from homework and thinking about the fine times I have had. If only there was something better than photographs. If only there was some way to turn back the clock and live our memories.
yeap.so thats the short story i had to write.hope you guys were engaged.ha.yeah.
11:17 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, May 11, 2007
went to Sizzlers for dinner today with sarah,her boyfriend colin,winsome,hilary,tim,adrien ,sophie and dylan.haha.i know the names dont matter cos no one here knows who they are except for natasha.ha.the food was yummmm anyway.omg there was this fuddy duddy couple that got at winsome just because she was queuing up for us.and like the rest of us were late so we met up with her in the queue.i mean we werent cutting the queue or anything.like what the fack was her problem.oh!and sophie found out i was going back in july.and like i found out she was going for the singapore music tour.so she was all excited and said we could go hang out together and go for parties and stuff.hahaha.
OMG!NATASHA TAY!i heard you're back in singapore..... for like freaking 2 days!!you just went there like 3 weeks ago!my grandad's birthday is on sunday too!but like we cant afford to fly back.damn you!hhaah.im kidding.you know i love you.ha.
english was so funny on thursday.matt's sitting behind me right and i hear him sayin 'nabei chao chebai' to the year 12 girls behind him.so i was like matt stop teaching the whole that.and then one girl was like i know one,'mao mao chebai' and she asked me that means hairy vagina yeah im like errmm..uh huh.then she asked me how to say 'you're gay' in mandarin.and i was like i have no idea.haha.and matt drew me as a tiny mouse today.it was what he sees me as.i was like fuck you.haha.so he redid it.ahha.i'll get the drawing from him and post it up.lol.lauren was some mermaid and pris was a bunny woman.hahah.
11:45 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, May 6, 2007

above are some pictures of me winter uniform:)
first one is with the blazer.second with the jumper.third is erm just by itself.ha.
last friday was the last day we could wear the summer uniform.haha.winter's taking over!but it's super leiche(dont know how to spell.haha.)it's like mafan.yeap.first we have the stockings.then the skirt.then the blouse.then the tie.and then!!the blazer.and the tie isnt those zip up ones.you have to freakin tie it.so like i spent this afternoon learning how to tie a tie.ha.and you cant just put the uniform on.there is a certain way to wear the damn thing.i have to pull my stockings over the top of the skirt and tuck my shirt in there.yeap.
anyway,i went to check out willeton iga(it's a supermart like ntuc) this morning and asked them if there were jobs available and they said yes!haha.so all i have to do now is write out a resume.and then drop by during the week.yay!will prolly be doing service cashier.shouldnt be a problem......i think..
8:14 PM
Breaking the Habit!