pic no.2:my dearie ashleigh and juls in the back.hur.
hello people!i'm taking part in the cross country in 3 weeks!i so have to start training.its 3.5km or something..its in the morning so the air's gonna be reallll cold..
and you know the dance thing they spilt us up into 4 groups.BALLROOM.JAZZ.HIPHOP.AND BALLET.
obviously i joined hiphop.cause i have no clue how to dance the others.and for hiphop we are doing fergielicious.oh yeah!
what else..what else..oh!on thursday there was a morning tea for new students..uber lame..but i did manage to talk to ian there..wahahahha..i just think he's cute thats all..
so life's been picking up..going to matt's house to do our news video.along with lauren and priscilla.and he has a pool so he was like bring your swimsuit along too
todday's st patrick's day!haha.had some sausage sizzle in school.