oh dear!its been like a week.anyway those two pictures are like of me in my corpus christi uniform.hahahha.
okie dokes.sooooo..i just had my dinner..before at like 6.30pm i had this community mass held at the school field.it was COMPULSORY.and we had to go in our school uniform.or we would get demerit points.like wtf?..it was real boring..oh yeah!you know because after year 10 here.the kids get to choose if they wanna go on to year 11 or just stop schooling?yeahh.so those who continue to year 11 get 200 bucks!so yeah mann!i am entitled to it.hooray!
so tryouts for softball is tomorrow.and dance starts this friday at freaking 7.30am.
oh god.its summer and its already so cold!like today was 15degress.i cant imagine winter!
VALENTINE'S DAY is tomorrow!unfortunately i have no date.duh,i'm like the new girl.and like i just found out from my brother today that at school.you can make dedications to people you like.like you pay 50 cents for a few pieces of chocolate and a plain card.write a note in the card.then on valentine's day,they'll go to the classrooms and give it to the person you dedicated it to.just like mean girls you know.if i had known i would dedicate one to that Ian guy.and write from your secret admirer.hahahaha..i think i have a crush on him.really.this maybe crazy but like i think to myself everyday bout what i want to say to him.but when im like walking behind him in school,i freak out and just back away.everytime i see him my heart skips really fast.dear me..
oh!oh!today was really funny.my friend lauren(aussie girl)was annoying my friend Matt(he was from singapore like 5 years ago)so yeah.then he scolded her 'nabei chow chibai"(i really dont know how to spell it)so anyway,she asked what the meaning was and we told her,"fuck off stinky virgina"then she kept repeating it and she asked how to spell it and wrote it on her hand.haha.it was really funny.i love english classes.my teacher's so funny.her vocabulary consists of words like'tough tittys','morons' ,'shut the hell up' and many more of those kinda stuffs..haha..