Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Hello World!okay.so its like 8pm now and the sun's still really bright.then again it should be 7 but perth wanted to do some daylight saving thing.so its an hour ahead of singapore.at cousin's house now.veronica was throwing her diapers into the fan a couple of minutes ago.dont worry!it was clean.hahah.anyways,I MISS EVERYBODY ALREADY!11 months will pass quite fast right?haha.so the flight was pretty good.landed at 2am(perth time) and got to my grandparents house only at 4am!the queue was so long because there were 2 flights coming in.the other ws from dubai i think.it was really hot on the day we arrived..thank god its much cooler now..the only good thing about summer is the sun rises early in the morning and it sets late.school starts on thursday mann!and i havent got my books or uniform yet!gosh!i'm so scared.will the new asian kid fit in?hahah.was looking at houses today.saw this beautiful house.i hope we can get it before anyone does.its really nice.and its next to a shopping mall!lol.my uncle knows the people at that subway branch.so he said he could help me get a job!hooray for me!and!and!he said the pays like 14 bucks an hour!like how cool is that??but thats what he thinks.really doubt its that high.anyways i rreally really really really wanna thank everybody that came(BIG THANK YOU!) and for all the gifts you people got for me!unfortunately i could only bring over the cute lil pooh bear over FIRST.haha.my dad will bring the other gifts over when he comes on friday aight.THANK YOU AGAIN!you people just being there made me so happy and blessed that i couldnt cry much.haha.do take care.I LOVE YOU ALL!
6:58 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
okay.so clubbing was a blast!though we had to queue up for like two frigging hours!yeah.well i got into shit with my parents that day cause i made a slight detour instead of going home straight.so i screwed up my last week of enjoying!
was kind of grounded.couldnt stay out that late.and father begin rather tight.it was effing annoying.it's been fun though.however much i went out with all my friends.
it's THE DAY.sucks lah.my heart has been beating really fast the whole day.i'm like excited,scared and sad at the same time.
this is like erm a shout out to my homies mann..hhahaa..
thank you leslie bryan marisse bong joey cherylann lynn gwen and zach for most of the late nights out.although we don't do much and we're constantly hearing marisse go'can we ddo something?'.all your company's just great.love you guys!thanks especially to like bryan and leslie for always calling me along.means alot.will miss you guys much!
the goon crew=sarah!eunice!lynn!adora!gina!lynette!natalie!corinne!stacy!wenfeng!omg i havent seen like half of ya'll in ages!i seriously miss all you peeps!i hope everyone's doing fine.thanks so much for the last two years.for being my support in school.for bringing so much fun and joy to my life.
biatchix!hahaha.victoria-kew.yvelyn.alyssa.jaclyn and naomi.you guys made cathechism class so much more enjoyable!hahah.we havent gone for like a proper outing where all six of us are there!lol.i just wanna say i love you all so so much!you guys never fail to be there for me when i am down.always listening to my problems and what not.haha.do take care loves.
cornerstone!okay i cant really name everybody here.so anyway,thanks for guiding me through my journey with god.and helping me learn so many things about him.wonderful people you peeps are.loves much!
shaun liew,sean and patrick.will miss all of your annoying.to shaun,say goodbye to your piece of canvas!haha.sean.its always nice talking to you.loves mann.
huishan!we just had sushi yesterday.i'll miss you so much!will miss all the awesome conversations we always have during netball.love you lots!do write to me.
jasmine.sexybums.all the best with the new guy!lol.i love you and will miss all of your crap.and all that drama.
the people that make chinese tuition fun.jiaming.francis koh.grace tan.duane and colin.miss those days.newspaper fights!hahhaha.i'll miss everyone.loves:]
priscilia ho!one of the few people that am still in touch with since primary school.guess cause you were like my bestie in p5 and p6.hahaha.you havent changed abit and that totally rocks.loves mann.
harrison.yilong and ronald.i dont know you guys very well..but you guys have been really really nice.great knowin ya'll.take care.
really hope i havent forgotten anybody.if i have im sorry.
i'll seriously miss everyone!and rest assured i will not forget anybody.will buy stuff back hhaha.
1:00 AM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, January 19, 2007
firstly,i just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sexybums JASMINE!haha.went to vila'ge at the heeren to celebrate her birthday.a whole big group.like 15 people.then i left at like 9.45pm to meet bryan,bong,marisse,cherylann,leslie,joey,safith and zach at the esplanade.but when i got there,bong was like we're leaving already.hahaha.it was all good.so we took the bus 70 to serangoon central.yeah.leslie was being a total camwhore.haha..most of us were anyways.zach,cheryl and saf had to return to their humble abode?yeap.ha.the rest of us then sneaked into serangoon swimming complex to play truth or dare!haha.and i was wearing freaking heels and a white skirt.lol.it was fun though.great accomplishment mann.hur.everytime i climbed over the guys had to look away.duh.haha.i think joey was more afraid than me about my safety and stuff.awwwww...haha..the dare's were mostly kissing and truth was like so who do you like..hahaha..so the two guys i mentioned.i dont really know if i like them.but they're both really nice people and im just interested to know them more..haha..seriously..oh and you go Bong and Bryan!haha.BnB.right.dont give up.hahaha.fight for what you want..hahha..oh.and i must applaud myself for not screwin up at work yesterday!why?because i didnt sleep the whole freaking previous night!haa.i'll start from what happened on wednesday.worked the damn morning shift till 3pm.then i came back home and had a really short nap.after that i made my way to town.watched 'spirit of the victim' with sean.leslie.shaun.kim.priscilla.jasmine.ronald.harrison and yilong.didnt quite get it.haha.but it was freaky.and thank goodness sean and all changed their minds about going to old changi hospital.like fuck lah.they wanted to go there know.after watching that damn movie.so sean and leslie went home i think.then shaun and i went to kim's house.watched this damn stupid and sick shit called baseketball.hahah.oh then like 2.30am or something.kim and i met up with bryan,marisse and leslie and went to bong's house.watched 'art school confidential'uncensored shit too.i fell asleep though like halfway.i cant remember much about what we did after.only that marisse kept bugging everyone.and repeating the same old question over and over again."CAN WE DO SOMETHING?"errmm..then..we just stoned luh..haha..tuesday was a day of pigging out.i went to sakae sushi at changi airport for tea with vic and yvelyn.why go all the way there?i dont know.its just nice luh.haha.had the student buffet.its pretty worth it.then i met the chengs and my family at like 8pm down at sushi tei in gardens.they wanted me to go with them so they could get a discount.idiots.haha.just kidding.yeap.so after like an hour i went to ice cube to meet vic,yvelyn,jaclyn,ally,timo and duane for dessert.yeah.i've just been having loads of fun.yeap.making the last week i have in singapore the best one ever.i'm seriously gonna miss everyone loads and loads and loads..and it goes on..hur..
1:46 AM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, January 12, 2007
last week was fun!hmmm.i shall start with TUESDAY.went out with priss ho ,jiaming and their friend.keep forgetting his name.only know his intials are JP.heh.we watched school for scoundrels and death note 2.both were great shows.especially school for scoundrels.the best show ever.their company was awesome..got to do a lot of catching up.weeeeeeeee!WEDNESDAY..hmmm..i went out for lunch at some japanese restaurant at suntec city.it was goooood..heh..the food i mean.went for it with weisheng.he wanted to take me out for the last time before i leave.and to give our friendship a shot and stuff now.tried.but things didn't end very well.i guess i wasnt ready to meet him just yet.THURSDAY.worked spilt shift.so like from 10-3pm.break.and then 6-1030.so during my break i met vic and aloysius for lunch and to dicuss about session for sunday.after work i went to meet sean,leslie and shaun at RK.talk talk talk.then came to my place to hang.but everytime they wanted to leave it started to pour again.so yeah.they kinda crashed at my place till 6.30.i couldnt take it lah.so after a while i fell asleep on sean's shoulder.everytime i did sean would poke me awake.ass.i was sean's poor poking victim.haha.he decided to ne nice and like leave me alone.but no..after i got up,i found that my right arm and leg was vandalized!i was shaun's canvas and he made into a piece of art.actually i was a piece of art to begin with.hahah..jokes..i had a great time with them anyways.love you guys!FRIDAY. worked in the afternoon.then i went to an uncle's place for dinner.then off to ally's for slumber party!!weee!along with kim,tania,sam and my sister.watched 'John Tucker Must Die'.talked and watched some videos on youtube.we slept pretty early like 3?yeah.SATURDAY.got up at 11.30.then we watched 'She's The Man' and "Take The Lead'love those shows.yeah.so i left her house at like 4.15pm?because i needed to get ready and meet vic by 5.30 at tavistock.we met aloysius and jasmine at angmokio for dinner.then we headed for the night safari!!yes!The Night Safari!we enjoyed ourselves alot.the animals were really cute and simplay fascinating!haha.oh.luckily we ate like before we went.food there is so expensive!well,people were like looking at animals.jasmine and i were munching on our popcorn and fish crackers.hahhaha..there's an otter named Pedro too!lol.yep.so like that lah.was pretty bummed today.supposed to go visit olgc with adora,eunice,sarah and lynette.but everyone couldn't make it the last minute.so whatever lah.anyway the date's on the blog screwed.it's monday.the 15th of january.and its 3.28pm now.haha.
7:45 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
pool like rocks!haha.i think i never played it earlier cause i was kinda afraid of people laughing at how i would suck and stuff.but hey,i don't care anymore.i mean you gotta start somewhere yeah.and then make you're way up.haha.so yeah.pool two days in a row.
sunday.went to church in the morning.ohoh..there were two guys who joined in our session..one of them's pretty cute.ha!went for lunch with family and cousins at the club.then went to play pool with dan,jason.aloysius,vic and alyssa at monstercue.it was damn fun lah.i think we were totally wasting our money trying to screw each other's turn.lol.pushing and whispering shit in each other's ear all.then we met harrison and friends there.which i found funny.cause we were like talking that early morning bout how we had nothing much planned for the day.i was going to church and he was gonna look for dvds and go to a friend's place to watch them.haha.then we see each other at the same place!haha.so yeah.
yesterday.went to catch 'Night at the museum' with sean.vic and leslie.it was pretty funny.i like that easterland statue.'dumbdumb'.hahha.sean was bugging us to go play pool so yeah.we went to some paradigm place.alot of beng's there though.but it was cheaper than monstercue.so yeah.vic and i decided to practice pool from now on.until we're like great.that might take a long time.heh.and until we get how they use physics in it.with all that angle thing.haha.it's fun lah.my mum said that if we get our own house in perth,we'll probably get a pool table.yeah!
woo!today i'm going to vivocity with jiaming and priscilla ho.people i haven't seen in ages.probably gonna catch school for scoundrels and dinner.oh.and jiaming said he hasn't got a present for me.so i can shop for it?haha.yay.gots to gos gets readys nowz.
12:23 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, January 5, 2007
i am like exhausted.i worked full shift yesterday and today.doing opening tomorrow morning.oh boy..and then i'm gonna attend uncle brian's wedding and dinner after!!i'm pretty excited cause it means i can see yvelyn,ally and like loads of people.can dress up too.hahaha.
oh oh..this guy from work.. asked for my number...actually his friend had to help him get my number..and well i just gave it...haha..he's 22..pretty nice guy..but quite chinese chinese..but he's nice ..so yeah..so no harm making friends i guess..he was pretty cute today..told me that it looked like it was going to rain heavily in the evening,and so he wanted me to be careful when i went back to work..hahaha..
and like at my workplace quite a lot of the full time staff are girls from indonesia..so they're like 23 and are here on a 6 month internship with their school..i found that cool..like people here usually go australia or hawaii..places like that..but people actually come to tiny singapore for an intership..haha..
oh!nicole benny's house is the shit!!!its super huge..paradise..i so want a house like that in the future...yeah..cornerstone gathering..it was a good one..we were all actually interacting..through board games..i learnt how to play 'RISK'.haha.its pretty fun.yeah.8 of us on that game.bout 7 on monopoly and 4 on payday.haha.and aloy was teasing me.we were talking bout our friend.and he thinks that that guy is an admirer of mine.blah blah blah.i kind of like that guy a bit.cause he's really really nice.but cannot lah.like im going..and there's other reasons too.oh wells..
12:40 AM
Breaking the Habit!
Tuesday, January 2, 2007

pictures from the new year's party!
i am like freaking working six times this week..i have a feeling it's because school's reopening.so quite a lot of the part timers cant make it and stuff..oh well..more money??hmmm...hopefully kenny will be working..haha..he was there like last weekend when i was working!we didnt talk though..sad..haha..but its just nice looking at him actually..lol.
i think its kinda fun getting high and wasted..not that i have or ever will.i can't take too much alcohol.seeing jac totally gone seemed quite interesting..haha..she was not making sense at all..but she was kinda venting her anger a lot..people also say that you would tell your secrets out when you're drunk..i want that to happen to me..but maybe among close friends..cause i have no i dea what my deep dark secrets are really..
and vic made me think about what she said.like she admitted that she needs a man.i think i need one too.like really.i mean yeah.my friends are really great and all.but there's still a pretty big difference.like i do feel loved from my girlfriends.and from the guys too.but like love from your boyfriend is a whole different thing.like the kisses you get from him.and what not.blah blah blah.i'm a sucker for love.
12:53 AM
Breaking the Habit!