Thursday, November 30, 2006 i got back a while ago from the airport.came back with dan.we missed the last 317 so we cabbed back.he dropped me off at my place.yeah.why the airport?? could say we killed two birds with one stone?..haha.yeah.there were about twenty of us.we went to swensen's to celebrate joey's birthday.and lynn was coming back at around 10 from we like went to fetch her too? were all supposed to meet at 630pm .i reached at 730.was so afraid cause i was like an hour late i was walkin really fast.when i reached,no one was there!called bong and he's like dont worry we'll be late 815,everyone had reached already.felt pretty out of place for a bit.cause there were a few people i didnt know.and i havent seen the rest of them for so long,it was weird.and like i'm not really close to them already.but it ws quite alright after.thanks to chloe!haha.yeah.she was the one talkin to me most of the time.i had quite a fun time anyway.i think joey was pretty embarrassed.haha.we sang him the birthday song.loud.and later practically the whole restaurant started singing was funny.haha.i ordered a salmon n mushroon wasn't that fantastic.and i couldnt finish i gave the remaining to dan.which was quite a lot i think.he didnt order yeah.lynn had cool hair.she did those tiny plaits thing for the whole head yeah.haha.welcome back babe!it was a good day.haaha.
12:43 AM
Breaking the Habit!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
happy birthday ,joey!!!
12:17 AM
Breaking the Habit!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
went to town today to look for more jobs in town with gina,feng and mathilda.most places were lookin for full time or people eighteen and above.feng and i decided to try sushi tei.i kind of vowed not to do waitressing but i'm like desperate now!so yeah.we filled in the application form and was interviewed on the spot.the manager there was really nice.he told us almost about everything we needed to know about the job.halfway through the interview i realised there was a sushi tei in gardens.a bit slow there.i he said he could attached me to the one in yeah.i'm going for another interview tomorrow at 4pm.we went to far east for home.had dinner.and jason and aloysius came over to discuss about the retreat.there wasn't yeah jason left shortly after.and aloysius stayed on to chat and stuff.oh and i have highlighted my hair light golden was even more obvious and more blond than i had expected it to be.i like it anyway.but i was afraid i would would look too ah offence to whoever.but those who have seen me said its quite yeah.haha.i hate my brother andrew.i'm really sick of him.he thinks he's so funny.but the jokes he cracks arent even funny and are just annoyin.he keeps callin me tubby.which also been chubby la.
10:39 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Monday, November 27, 2006
i've been tryin to get into the mtv website to watch the damn laguna beach all day.i can't seem to get in.i tried in the morning then later in the afternoon and now!but i can't get in.a blank screen just comes on.watched RENT .whole lot of singing.its like a musical.a modern one.but i dont really get the gay guy dies.there was a gay and lesbian couple.andrew had this face of disbelief and disgust when they welcome to reality.i'm seriously bored now.sometimes i rather have exams,at least i know there's somethin to do to occupy my're finding things to do.its difficult.i mean how long can you sit in front of the computer or tv?it'll get so boring after a while.and like i don't know who to call to hang out with.not that i have so many people to call.but i'm afraid that if they dont want to hang out with me.they'll feel bad and feel obliged to say yes.i'm not exactly an entertaining yeah.and turns out my job is not i'll have to find another one.will probably go to giordano or something.
8:15 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
just came back from alyssa's house a while ago.watched UNDERWORLD.seen it twice before but its super yeah.and i borrowed RENT and LAWS OF ATTRACTION.never seen those before so i thought i watch it tmr or something.will be totally free till friday.goin back to her house for dinner!haha.pot luck nasi eh?haha.had meeting today.and we decided not to take part in the pageant thing for christmas anymore.christian heng was being a total idiot!we were dicussing bout a cornerstone outing sometime during the we thought ice-skating would be really i asked dan how much was it.and christian's like 'what?to replace the ice-skating rink?'arse.haha.he's has a phobia of his hands being sliced what a wuss righht..and we're probably not going out anymore.its like so freakin difficult to get everyone together.but i dont blame them la.its the a lot are goin jac's goin london.and hubert's goin spain and ally is goin new zealand.mann.i'm jealous.
5:57 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Saturday, November 25, 2006 has been B-O-R-I-N-G??except for the morning i guess.went to coffee bean down gardens for breakfast with weisheng.and he's all like money's not a factor.the food is dirt what an ass.i had the salmon scramble.its really good.wanna go there again.hah.i wanna watch THE HOLIDAY.saw the trailer yesterday.and it looks pretty good.oh..and NIGHT MUSEUM too.i guess its a stupid movie.but i guess thats what makes it funny.haha.i enjoy stupid'm gonna highlight my hair too.soon.probably a two tones.but i can't decide what..any suggestions??
3:30 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Friday, November 24, 2006

9:44 PM
Breaking the Habit!
yay!i got a job!haha.
yesterday,juls told me that her friend works at paragon and the company was holding some charity house.there'll be prize giving and stuff.and they were lookin for people to give out prizes.6.50 an hour.and like she asked me if i wanted try it i was like hell yeah la!6.50 an hour and you just give out prizes.
so i gave a call to her friend-gina-and so i might gina's boss at 10 at parents were so bloody paranoid.they were afraid it was some kinda scam just because they didnt give me the address of the office.and kept askin me so many questions about the job.inside i was like 'get off my back i dont know much either thats why i'm checking it out today?'
yeap.the people were uniform's all black.not a problem.haha.there are two shifts.earlier one is from 9.40am to 6.40pm and 1pm to 10pm.yep.i just wish i could get the earlier shift for the 4th and 11th of december.(PIECES OF JADE AND AUDIO ROJAK)
i finally watched STEP UP.went with juls.the dances were awesome!wish i could dance like that.heh.i didnt think anyone would die in a movie like that.
we went window shopping after!!okay it was more me.cause i had no money.juls bought this pair of pretty pointed heels at tangs.
i am going for a major shopping spree after i get my pay.
ooo..wanna get topshop knickers.heh heh.
7:51 PM
Breaking the Habit!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
oh gosh..decided to create a new blog..but there was so much screw up..haha..thank you JULS!
well,prom was 2 days ago!...real fast was a blast!..everyone was GORGEOUS.
booked a room at hotel was a small room but pretty comfortable.shared with wenfeng.lynn.adora.eunice.gina and lynette.
we took like a walk around clarke quay for an hour.after that we decided to go back cause our heels were killing us.
we took lots and lots of pictures.
i need a job.seriously.i applied at FOX but no reply yet .dammit.
12:46 PM
Breaking the Habit!